As noted in the exam bellow, this is unofficial exam which I have compiled for my self to test my knowledge and get prepared better for final LPIC exam. Test is has open access and you can use it as well to see some of the very similar question from LPIC exam / Linux System Administrator. That's all for today and I'l see you next time.
It's been a week since my latest post from my LPIC - 1 preparation which is still in progress and in week seven of my Linux adventure. Last week I have cover an amazing SHELL chapter from LPIC Certification Bible which is official resource for LPIC -1 or Linux System Administrator. From my point, I'm quite experience working with SHELL, I can write a simple BASH script, create an environment variable and so on. Basically this chapter covers almost the same thing but with better advice, tips and notes on SHELL. In this article you can see my full LPIC SHELL exam which consists from 23 questions compiled using the SHELL chapter from LPIC Bible book.
Written by: Amar Tufo
23. July 2017
As noted in the exam bellow, this is unofficial exam which I have compiled for my self to test my knowledge and get prepared better for final LPIC exam. Test is has open access and you can use it as well to see some of the very similar question from LPIC exam / Linux System Administrator. That's all for today and I'l see you next time.
NDG Linux - Video Komentar -
Iako sam nedavno uspio objaviti oba zvanična izvještaja za šestu sedmicu NDG Linux kursa, direktne pripreme za LCPI - 1 test za Linux System admina, tako sam danas iskoristio svoje znanje iz Kdenlive-a te kreirao kratak video komentar na svoju edukaciju i podijelio s vama neko stečeno znanje. Ja ovdje neću navoditi reference do zvaničnih članaka NDG Linux kursa jer su isti pomenuti u opisu mog video komentara. Prije nego pogledate video, ne zaboravite stisnuti <SUBSCRIBE> na moj YouTube kanal jer mi to pomaže da pravim bolje YouTube video klipove.
Piše: Amar Tufo
13. Juli 2017
To bi bilo sve na kraju. Ostanite još na mojoj web stranici jer možda pronađete još po koji zanimljiviji članak osim ove hard core NDG Linux obuke. Do čitanja !!!
NDG Linux Essential - module 6 final EXAM -
Finally I have written my NDG Linux Essential course - week 6 - in two parts and now I'm about to show you how my final exam look like, it's question and finally the grade I scored. I must say that these are official NDG Linux Essential exams for each week I passed and they can be really challenging when it comes to show off your Linux skills and knowledge. Ok! Let's jump into test.
Written by: Amar Tufo
10. July 2017
This is the official and final exam for NDG Linux Essential module 6 - working with files and directories. I scored 8 grade in this test as I'm very proud on my self since these kind of skills are mostly required when working with files and directories in Linux. Make sure to comment my test, share booth articles in description bellow. That's it. I'l see you at 7 week of NDG Linux adventure.
________________ References:_______________
1) NDG Linux Essential course - week 6 - part I
2) NDG Linux Essential course - week 6 - part II
NDG Linux Essential - week 6 - part II
Welcome to my second part of NDG Linux Essential course which is preparation for LCPI - 1 exam to becoming Linux System Administrator. I have recently write a first part of NDG Linux Essential - week 6 - part I so make sure to read it first before moving on my second part. In this part I'm about to show you the rest of commands such as cp, mv, rm, touch, cat, and example for each of this command to get idea what they do and what is their purpose. After this part, I'm about to publish separately final exam for module 6 in .pdf file so that you can see it and experience some of the Linux questions from this course in first hand. Let's begin!
Written by: Amar Tufo
9. July, 2017
1) cp - copy
We are beginning with command cp which is used for coping files and folders from one location to another on your home folder. In the following sample I'm about to copy a empty file foo.txt from Desktop to directory named foo.
Image 1: Coping foo.txt file to foo directory via cp command
Source: local /home/amar/Desktop
In short, this image above shows entire process of coping an empty file named foo.txt to foo directory. I have also used ls command to list the foo directory content so that you can see what's inside, in this case, an empty foo.txt file.
2) mv - move or rename
There is a god reason why you need to now how to use mv command. This command allows you to move files and directories or renamed them while moving end so on. In the following sample we are going to move image.png file to foo directory on Desktop. See the image 2 down bellow:
Image 2: Moving image.png to foo directory via mv command
Image source: local /home/amar/Desktop
In short, I have moved image.png file via mv command into foo directory. Now as I have mentioned above, mv command can be used to rename the files and directory as well. In the following sample, I'm about to rename foo directory into image directory using mv command. See the image 2.1 down bellow:
Image 2.1: Renaming foo directory into image directory via mv command
Image source: local /home/amar/Desktop
There you go, now our foo directory named has changed into image directory. Now our image directory has his child file image.png. Pretty amazing, don't you think?
3) rm - remove a file or directory
Well, there is nothing so special about this command and I assumed that most of you are already familiar with this command and how to remove a file via rm command. Just in case you don't know, here is the sample. In the following sample I'm about to remove image directory with it's image.png file from Desktop using only rm command. See the image 3 down bellow:
Image 3: Removing image directory from Desktop using rm command
Image source: local /home/amar/Desktop
Short note, the following command 'rm -rf -v image' has successfully removed image directory with it's content, image.png file. Only thing that might confuse you is -v argument in front of rm -rf command. It's a verbose and it tells you that image directory was removed, it informs about action that just happened.
4) touch - change a file timestamps
One easiest way to create an report.txt file via Terminal is using touch command. Although it changes a file timestamps, this command allows you to create a file as well. In the following sample we are going to create an empty report.txt file on Desktop. See the image 4 down bellow:
Image 4: Creating empty report.txt file on Desktop using touch command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
In the following image 4.1 you are going to see how I modified creation time using touch command. See the image bellow:
Image 4.1: Modifying time creation of report.txt file using touch command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
Here's a short note, in the image 4.1 above I have used the following command touch to create a report.txt file. Such file was created on 18:09:13 | 10 July. Using the touch -m report.txt command, I have updated creation time to most recent on my system clock as you can see, the report.txt file is now created on 18:12:38. That's it. For more about touch command please visit man touch.
5) cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
Now, here's a command which you can use to write and read to a file using echo command. Since our report.txt file is empty, in the following sample we are going to fill it with some text via Terminal. See the image 5 down bellow:
Image 5: Writing to report.txt file using echo command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
Short note: In this sample I have write a text 'This is NDG Linux Essential course by: Amar Tufo' into report.txt file using echo command. At the end, I have used cat command to read a report.txt file via terminal and as you can see, the text was successfully written to a file. See the image 5.1 as well:
Image 5.1: Report.txt file fill with simple message using echo command
Image source: /local/home/amar/Desktop
This is, now you know how to write to a file using echo command and how to read it using cat command via terminal.
___________________ Conclusion: ___________________
We came to an end of my NDG Linux Essential course - week 6 - official reports in two parts. Hopefully now you know how to use some most common Linux commands such as pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, touch, cat, and I hope as well that you're not gonna stop it here. Linux is a vast and unexplored area for those of you willing to chase a career in Linux weather it's a Linux kernel developer, Linux system administrator or better, Linux app developer. But it's all to you, how much you are willing to learn in order to master Linux and to become a Linux ninja. Let me know in comments down bellow. Share some of your interesting Linux experience, I will be glad to share them via my YouTube channel and social networks. That's it. Thanks for reading and see you next time.
And remember, choose wisely, choose Linux a system that works!
Monte Testačio - umjetnički brežuljak amfora
Dok sam bio na drugoj godini Arheologije, imao sam predmet Arheologija Rima gdje sam učio od Vilanove kulture (kultura starijeg Željeznog doba Italije oko 1100. godine prije Krista) koja se između ostalog veže za Etrurce, zatim Etrursku civilizaciju u Toskani i bogate Etrurske nekropole pa sve do vladavine Sedam kraljeva Rima kao što su: Romul, Numa Pompilije, Ancije Marcije, Tulus Hostilije, Servije Tulije, Tarkvinije Prisko te Tarkvinije Oholi.
Onda slijedi doba Republike od Brutove narodne revolucije 509. prije Krista do cara Augusta koji 27. godine prije Krista upostavlja doba Carstva i Pax Romana. Uglavnom, stvarna razlika je ta što sa gledišta struke arheologija Rima je izuzetno golema i široka, te veoma često historičari ju ne pominju kada raspravljaju Rim. Bez daljnjeg duženja, da ukrako kažemo šta je to Monte Testačio i po čemu je poznat ovaj umjetnički brežuljak?
Onda slijedi doba Republike od Brutove narodne revolucije 509. prije Krista do cara Augusta koji 27. godine prije Krista upostavlja doba Carstva i Pax Romana. Uglavnom, stvarna razlika je ta što sa gledišta struke arheologija Rima je izuzetno golema i široka, te veoma često historičari ju ne pominju kada raspravljaju Rim. Bez daljnjeg duženja, da ukrako kažemo šta je to Monte Testačio i po čemu je poznat ovaj umjetnički brežuljak?
Piše: Amar Tufo
9. Juli, 2017
Stari grad Rim je podignut oko 756. godine prije Krista na Palatinu, jednom od sedam brežuljaka grada Rima. Osim Palatina tu su Kvirinal, Viminal, Aventin, Kapitol, Cela, Eskvilin ali postoji još jedan brežuljak koji je izuzetno važan a to je Monte Testačio, brežuljak koji se nalazi iznad Aventina. Ovo je međutim umjetnički brežuljak čije ime u prijevodu s latinskog znači 'brežuljak amfora' a ime je dobio prema 25 milijona fragmenata uljanih amfora koje su posredstvom trgovine dospijevale u Rim iz malenog gradića Baetika u dalekoj Hispaniji (Claridge 1998 : 367).
Slika 1: Monte Testačio, Italija
Uljane amfore su uglavnom korištene za transport maslinovog ulja ali i drugih namjernica kao što su začin i riba. U arhitektonskom smislu, brežuljak zahvata površinu od oko 20 000 m2 te je sagrađen u 1. stoljeću prije Krista a u upotrebi je bio sve do 3. stoljeća nove ere. Na slici dva pogledajte kako izgleda primjer jedne Španske amfore:
Slika 2: Španski tip uljane amfore (lijevo) - Afrički tip uljane amfore (desno)
Izvor slike: Prema Amanda Claridge 1998 : 367
Uljane amfore iz Baetike su bile dosta masivne skoro a ponekada blizu 1.30. cm. Imale su prosječnu težinu od oko 30 kg a mogle su skladištiti blizu 70 kg maslinova ulja. Nešto lakše su bile uljane amfore iz Tripolitanije i one iz Bizacene u Tunisu.
Slika 3: Španske uljane amfore
________________ Zaključak ________________
Antički Rim je sam po sebi izuzetno misteriozan govoreći s arheološkog aspekta, ali s historijskog aspekta, Rim je nekada bio svjetska velesila koja je zajedno s dobom Carstva u svom posjedu imala oko 48 Rimskih provincija među kojima se nalazila i provincija Dalmacija, Panonija, i Mezija. Stoga arheolozi imaju pune ruke posla jer nikada ne znate šta se nalazi pod našim nogama, pod putevima kojima se svakodnevno vozimo, zemljom koju uremo i slično. Na kraju S.P.Q.R (Senatus Populusque Romanus).
___________________ Izvor:___________________
1) Oxford Archaeological Guides Rome
By Amanda Claridge © Oxford University Press
Google Books link: short URL
Toliko od mene za danas i do čitanja.
Dizajn logo i akreditacije u GIMP-u
Kao što i sami znate, Adobe Photoshop je babo i majka, sveti hram za grafičke dizajnere ali i web dizajnere koji ne mogu zamisliti svoj život bez Photoshop-a i drugih alata kojim zarađuju za život. No, kada je riječ o ovom poslu na Linux-u tu i nemate nekih velikih opcija pa možete birati GIMP i Insckape, po meni dvije sjajne open source alternative komercijalnom Photoshop-u koji će podjednako dobro obaviti svakodnevni posao ukoliko naravno znate kako raditi s ova dva grafička alata. Eh sada, moje neko iskustvo u dizajnu loga web stranice ali i akreditacije se nedavno pokazalo na djelu gdje sam nedavno radio sopstveni logo web sajta ali i službene akreditacije. Bez daljnjeg oduživanja, pogledajmo kako sam ja to uradio dizajn.
Piše: Amar Tufo
9. Juni, 2017
Na samom početku treba da napomenem da je novi logo web stranice dizajniran koristeći Insckape, sjajan open source komad softwera za obradu vektorske grafike te izradu i manipulaciju slika raznog formata. Evo kako logo web stranice izgleda:
Slika 1: AmarTufoInteractive logo (designed in Insckape by Amar Tufo)
Image source:
Ukratko, radi se o tri trougla kroz koji prolazi polumjesečast motiv bijele boje čime nastaje bijeli shade efekat koji presijeca sva tri trougla. Gore na vrhu je text 'Diferent IT blog' koji se naslanja na naziv moje web stranice 'AmarTufoInteractive' a dole ispod do trećeg trougla je link do web sajta. Meni se je ovaj logo nekako najviše dopao obzirom da predstavlja razne kategorije koje su dostupne na web stranici o kojima i pišem.
Nakon što sam dizajnirao svoj logo web stranice, bilo je i vrijeme da nakon tri godine pošto je web sajt na domeni .org, dizajniram i neku svoju unikatnu akreditaciju. Evo nekih primjera dizajna akreditacije u GIMP-u.
Slika 2: Prikaz akreditacije (avers) sa logom dizajniranim u GIMP-u
Izvor: /local/home/amar/Akreditacija
Slika 2.1: Prikaz akreditacije (revers) sa logom web sajta u GIMP-u
Izvor: /local/home/amar/Akreditacija
Ukratko, radi se o staroj akreditaciji koja je bila moj prvi pokušaj da dizajniram jedinstvenu i unikatnu akreditaciju kojom bi predstavljao svoj web sajt ali i svoj rad. Gore je i stari logo web stranice kojeg krasi heksagon koji se fino uklapa u naziv mog sajta. Međutim, kada sam konačno izradio akreditaciju, ona ipak nije zadovoljila moja očekivanja. Bilo je vrijeme za redizajn i drugu sreću.
Slika 3: Službena akreditacija AmarTufoInteractive (avers)
Izvor: /local/home/amar/Akreditacija
Ovo je moj najbolji domet umijeća u grafičkom dizajnu, odnosno, dizajnu brenda sajta ali i neke zvanične akreditacije koja predstavlja moj biznis. Mislim da je ovdje GIMP jako fino odradio svoj posao, i mislim da sam uspio dizajnirati dosta dobru akreditaciju i bez Photoshop-a. Kada jedanput uplovite u prostrane Linux vode, onda tu luku jednostavno ne napuštate.
Slika 3.1: Službena akreditacija AmarTufoInteractive (revers)
Izvor: /local/home/amar/Akreditacija
Na reversu nisam ništa redao niti sam želio da to bude kitnjasto. Ovdje sam samo ubacio svoj logo sajta koji se jako fino uklopio u ova dva apstraktna oblika crvene boje koji istiću moju maštu prilikom izrade ove akreditacije. Posljednje što sam uradio jeste i moja visit karta koja izgleda ovako:
Slika 4: Službena visit karta (avers)
Izvor: /local/home/amar/Akreditacija
I ova visit karta je moje dijelo dizajnirano ponosno u GIMP-u a jedina razlika je u tome što sam ovdje dodao i svoju sliku te pomjerio user i e-mail ikonicu jednu iznad druge kako bi nekako ova visit karta dobila svoj stil i ljepši izgled. Font korišten u titlu 'Amar Tufo', 'CEO' te '' je Chromia. I posljednji stilski dodatak jesu ove naranđaste linije koje sam dodao GIMP opcijom Filters > Render > Line nova.
Slika 4.1: Službena visit karta (revers)
Izvor: /local/home/amar/Akreditacija
Isti sam efekat ponovio i na zadnjoj strani svoje visit karte. Stilski mi se jako dopada kako je ovo ispalo. Ono što još ne znam kako u realnosti ova visti karta izgleda obzirom da nije isprintana pa vam to ne mogu reći. Na kraju, možete ocijeniti izgled akreditacije, loga, ali i visit karte. Vaš glas je jako bitan pa vaše mišljenje ostavite u komentar ispod, šta vam se (ne)dopada, šta biste mijenjali kod sve tri slike i slično. Toliko od mene za danas.
Do čitanja.
NDG Linux Essential - week 6 - part I
Welcome to my 6-th week of my NDG Linux Essential which cover working with files and directories. As noted previously on my recent articles related to my NDG Linux education, this course is a preparation for LCPI - 1 exam for becoming Linux System Administrator. Unlike the previous NDG Linux essential weeks, the article for week 6 of my NDG education is going to be published in two parts due to complexity of this week and subjects which it covers. I have completed it on my NDG dashboard but since this module it's self is somewhat bit complex that the previous one, it requires to write a separate report in two part. In short, I have worked with commands such as pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, touch, cat, the following commands are the most common used commands when using Terminal. Final word in this intro is that the both article are going to be covered in video for my YouTube channel where I shall briefly comment it as well as my final exam.
Written by: Amar Tufo
8. July 2017
NDG Linux Essential module 6 is successfully completed and as I have noted above, I had final exam of 10 questions to complete this week which is also finished and will be included at the end of this article. I don't know how much are you familiar with Linux terminal but this was one my favorite module of Linux education, working with Terminal and the following commands such as: pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, touch, cat and etc. Without knowing this commands you can't navigate trough Linux Terminal. I shall show you each command in example just to get idea of what each command does.
1) pwd - currenty working directory
pwd command is useful since it allows you to see your current working directory. Once typed in Terminal, it gives you the following output:
Image 1: pwd command shows the current working directory in this case it's /home/amar
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
2) ls - list a content
Once you find out you're current working directory, you may wanna list the directories that your home folder holds and here we are using ls command. Don't underestimate ls command, this is one hell of command which is very powerful since it have lot of options which will be demonstrated in this article.
Image 2: listing content of /home/directory using ls command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
Let assume that you wanna show all hidden files and folders that begin with .gconf, in this sample you wanna show the hidden folders as well as .gconf folder of you're /home directory. You are gonna use command ls -a which will look like this.
Image 3: Listing hidden files/directories using ls -a command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
What if you need to sort the files by it's size. Than you will use the ls -lS command to sort the files. Take a look at image 4.
Image 4: Listing files by it's file size using ls -lS command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
In this figure you need to note on two major things; First I have used a absolute path to access Desktop using cd /home/amar/Desktop and then I have listed the file contents on my Desktop using ls -lS command which sorted the files by it's size. In this case, the biggest file on my list is movie.mp4. Also you need to note on the numbers of my movie.mp4 file (498787589). What are these numbers. They're the size of movie.mp4 but they are very difficult to read so we need to sort them by human readable size. We can achieve that by using the ls -lSh command which will sort the files by human readable size (in MB for example).
Image 5: Listing files by it's human readable size using ls -lSh command
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
Here's a few notes on image 5 when it comes to sorting files using ls -lSh command. Note on the image above where it was estimated the contents size on my Desktop total 864 MB instead of 883868. Now, note down bellow that numbers in front of my movie.mp4 file have changed as well where it writes 476 MB which is estimated file size instead of 498787589. Now you can read the files sizes in bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes as well. All you have to do is to enter this very useful ls -lSh command.
3) cd - navigate to directory
When it comes to cd command there is nothing so special to mention about this command only it let's you to navigate to certain directory. Only thing here to note is the absolute and relative path. I have already mention what absolute path is and how to access certain directory using absolute path. This is absolute path: cd /home/amar/Desktop
Image 6: Accessing Desktop using absolute path cd /home/amar/Desktop
Image source: local/home/amar/Desktop
Absolute path begins from (/) directory.
Relative path begins from present working directory.
Image 7: Accessing ndg_lab directory on Desktop using relative path
Image source: local/home/Desktop
Short note: In this case (image 7) I have set Desktop as my present working directory and I wanted to access ndg_lab subdirectory on Desktop. I have achieve this using the following command and this is:
cd /home/amar/Desktop/ndg_lab
And this is how you access to certain directory using relative path.
4) mkdir - make a directory
This command simply creates a new directory on Desktop or in your home directory.
Image 8: Creating YouTube directory on Desktop using mkdir command
Image source: /local/home/amar/Desktop
____________ Final words for part 1______________
Ok. This is all for my part I of NDG Linux Essential - week 6 -. In the second part I shall cover the remaining commands such as cp, mv, rm, touch, cat, since writing this article in a single part would be way to big to write and to read as well. I will also publish my final exam for module 6 of NDG Linux Essential course as a separate article so that you can see the exam for you're self. This is all for today. Make sure to follow me on my LinkedIn as I have make an amazing articles from Linux education as well as my YouTube where you can find some useful tutorials on basic Linux commands and etc.