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Izgubljeni grad Ys [VIDEO]

Mnogo je gradova u prošlosti koji su porušeni, napušteni pod nepoznatim okolnostima, razoreni do temelja ili su jednostavno misteriozno nestali sa lica Zemlje a nekoć su bili dom desetinama hiljada stanovnika. Takav je i legendarni Bretonski grad Ys koji je sagrađen u 5. stoljeću na obalama Britanskog zaljeva Dvarnanez a koji je jedne noći jednostavno nestao pod valovima mora. Još se ovaj grad nazivalo Europskom Sodomom i Gomorom a u nastavku ćemo i saznati zašto je to tako te sudbinu ovog grada. 

Autor: Amar Tufo
22. August, 2017

Pogledajte preradu ovog Keltskog mita na mom YouTube kanalu, komentarišite, lajkajte, kritikujte i naravno ostavite <SUBSCRIBE> za još boljeg sadržaja koji stiže na moj sajt ali i na YouTube kanal.

Video: Amar Tufo - Izgubljeni grad Ys

Ys je legendarni Keltski grad kojeg je u petom stoljeću na obalama Britanskog zaljeva Dvarnanez dao sagraditi Gradlon, kralj Korvala. Grad je bio opasan velikim zidinama koje su ga čuvale od mora. Još dok je bio mlad Gradlon se zaljubio u predivnu morsku sirenu koja mu je kasnije rodila kćer po imenu Dahut. Sirena se kasnije vratila natrag svome ocu u more a Gradlon je preuzeo brigu o svojoj kćerci Dahut koja je ubrzo postala najljepša djevojka Kornvala.

Slika 1: Britanski zaljev Dvarnanez - počivalište grada Ys

Vremenom Dahut se osjetila usamljenom i svome ocu predloži da joj sagradi predivan morski grad u kome će ona provoditi svoje dane. Tako i bi te Gradlon u čast svoje kćeri sagradi grad po imenu Ys. Jedna verzija legende kaže da je Gradlon ubrzo nakon što je dobio kćer Dahut, prešao na kršćanstvo i napustio svoju pagansku vjeru. Kako bi ga kaznila za veleizdaju vjere svoga naroda, Gradlonova žena se jedne noći vratila u grad te bacila magične čini na Dahut učinivši od nje najiskvareniju ženu toga grada. 

Dahut je postala sexualno ovisna da je svake noći organizovala pijanke i sexualne orgije do zore koje su se kobno završavale po njene ljubavnike koji su umirali u njenom zagrljaju. 

Jednoga dana se pred kapijama grada pojavio vitez obučen u crveno. Dahut se odmah zaljubila u njega ali nije imala pojma da je to bio đavo kojeg je poslao sam Bog da kazni iskvarene stanovnike ovog grada. Tako je Dahut u neznanju i opijena vitezu dala srebrne ključeve kapija koje su grad čuvale i štitile ga od morskih dubina. 

Samo što je vitez otključao kapije grada, more je počelo nadirati i gutati grad u svoje dubine. Shvativši da je grad u opasnosti, Gradlon uzjaha svog magičnog konja Marvića i poče zajedno sa svojom kćerkom Dahut bježati preko mora.

Slika 2: Gradlon bježi iz Ys-a

No, dok su bježali, Dahut nesretno pade s konja te nestade zajedno s gradom u morskim dubinama. Kasnije je Gredlona posavjetovao sveti Gvenol koji je u tom trenutku boravio u gradu te predvidio propast samog grada, da je Dahut to i zaslužila te uzrokovala propast grada.

Šta je bilo s Dahut?

Slika 3: Dahut nastavlja svoj život kao sirena

Nakon što je pala u more, kako priča kaže, Dahut je postala morska sirena koja svojim predivnim glasom mami nesretne ribare koje s zadovoljstvom ubija. Kada je pučina i mirno more, ribari zaljeva Dvarnanez kažu da iz dubina dopiru zvona porušene crkve i predivno pjevanje nesretne Dahut. 

Što se tiće sudbine grada, kaže se da će se jednoga dana Ys ponovo pojaviti iz morskih dubina ljepši nego ikada a do tada će ga čuvati veliko more.


1) The Legend of the city of Ys by Chris Gonnerman [online article]

2) The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore
     Copyright © 2004 Facts on File, Inc by Patricia Monagham, p494
Download link: http://stoa.usp.br/briannaloch/files/2564/13832/The+Encyclopedia+of+Celtic+Mythology+and+Folklore.pdf

NDG Linux Essential - week 7 final exam-

Welcome again to my NDG Linux Essential adventure, module 7 of my Linux course. Shortly, NDG Linux Essential module 7 cover mostly working with tar, gzip, bzip2, compressing/uncompressing, creating tarball, viewing it's content, extracting it into other directory on your Linux distribution and so on. I have learn so much amazing and important things on working with tarball, creating a backup of your files and directories which could be very handy when you uploading a files to your server or website and so on. Finally, my module ended with exam that consisted of 10 questions which I successfully scored with 10 grade. Here's my final exam of module 7. Oh, I almost forgot. Before you view my exam, I suggest you to jump on my tutorial of working with tarball which you can see down bellow.

Written by: Amar Tufo
16. August 2017

Video tutorial: Working with tarball ~ Amar Tufo

Ok, and here's a test for NDG Linux Essential module 7 of my intensive Linux course which consisting of 10 questions as previous modules. Question have been answered and you can access them via my website.

That's all folks for this week. I hope that this intensive Linux course will help and motivate you as well to get started your own Linux career and preparation for some serious Linux certification such as LPIC-1 which I have started. I see you soon on my YouTube channel and in NDG Linux Essential - week 8 - . Till then, have a nice weekend!

NDG Linux Essential - week 7 -

Last week I have written a short intro for my NDG Linux Essential course - module 7 - and now I can proudly announce that week 7 of my NDG Linux education is successfully completed  and here are some key notes and summary of my NDG Linux Essential - week 7 -. As noted previously in my short intro of module 7, this entire module was very short but cover some skills working with compressing, decompressing, creating .tar archive, working with gzip, bzip and so on. So here are some important notes on working with tarball, creating an tar archive, listing it's content, updating the archive and so on. I should also note that this article includes the final exam for module 7 at the end which you can see down bellow. Ok let's start. . . 

Written by: Amar Tufo
9. August, 2017

The tar utility is widely used by all Linux distributions. Along with being a useful tool for backup, tarball files are also a convenient way to distribute files. They allow a single file download and because compression can be handled with tar they also creates smaller files for download. Tarball files do not have to end with .tar extension, but it's a good practice to do so. Files that are joined and compressed often use the .tar.gz extension. In the following sample I will demonstrate how to create tarball file, how to extract it, see it's content and extract a single file out of tarball.

1# Sample: Creating archive.tar.gz file

Image 1: Creating archive.tar.gz for final directory
Image source: /home/amar/Desktop

In this first sample I have created archive.tar.gz tarball as backup for my final directory. In the image1 above, archive contents were listed upon compressing. Short note for the command used above is following:

tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz final/

Once typed this command will compress final directory with all it's content into single tarball in this case archive.tar.gz. If you wonder what -zcvf stands for than here what they are:

tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz final/
*z - tells the tar to use gzip tool
*c - creates an archive
*v - tell me what you are doing
*f - file name

2#Sample: Listing the archive.tar.gz content and extracting it to another directory

Let's assume that you want to view the content of archive.tar.gz before extracting it. Here's the command that will do just that:

tar -tf archive.tar.gz 

Once typed into terminal this command will generate the following output:

Image 2: Listing the content of archive.tar.gz tarball
Image source: /home/amar/Desktop

Now as we have listed our content, let's extract our archive.tar.gz in /tmp directory of my home folder. Here's the command that will accomplish such a task.

tar -xvzf archive.tar.gz -C /home/amar/tmp

Note: -C in this command allow you to give the tar command a path to destination directory in which you are extracting your tarball in this case archive.tar.gz > /home/amar/tmp.

Once you typed this command this is the output you should see. Image 3:

Image 3: Extracting archive.tar.gz into /home/amar/tmp
Image source: home/amar/Desktop

Note that I have extracted the archive.tar.gz content into /home/amar/tmp directory from Desktop as my pwd directory. Keep this in mind that before each extraction of the tarball move the archive into empty directory or the directory/files will be replaced and overwritten. 

Image 4: Successfully extracted archive.tar.gz tarball file into /tmp directory
Image source: /home/amar/tmp

3#Sample: Adding log.txt file into archive.tar.gz and extracting a single file out of archive

Let's assume that you want to add a file into existing archive in this case log.txt file into archive.tar.gz. For this purpose I have created four files on my Desktop namely file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt and log.txt. I will now create an archive.tar.gz which will contain only file1.txt, file2.txt and file3.txt using the following command:

tar -cvf archive.tar.gz file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Image 5: Creating a new archive.tar.gz 
Image source: /home/amar/Desktop

Now let's update existing archive.tar.gz by adding log.txt into our archive. We can do that using the following command:

tar -rf archive.tar.gz log.txt

Your output should be the same as main if you have type it correctly. See the image 6 down bellow.

Image 6: Updating the existing archive.tar.gz with log.txt file
Image source: /home/amar/Desktop

4#Sample: Extracting log.txt into different directory

Sometimes tarball can be very big in size and you don't need an entire archive. You need only a specific file as Linux System Administrator into let's say /tmp directory. In this sample I'm about to show you how to extract log.txt file from archive.tar.gz file into /tmp directory which is in my home directory.

tar -xvf archive.tar -C /home/amar/tmp log.txt

Note when extracting a single file out of tarball, file is added at the end of command. In other case, the file will be extracted into present working directory. Here are the final results of this command.

Image 7: Extracting log.txt file from archive.tar into /tmp directory
Image source: /home/amar/Desktop

Here's the terminal output for our /tmp directory which holds log.txt file which we extracted from archive.tarball.

Image 8: /tmp directory with log.txt file
Image source: /home/amar/Desktop

This all folks for today. I hope that this article has helped you in understanding the way tar works, how to create an tarball, how to list it's content and how to extract the single tarball file into another directory. Make sure to commend down bellow and share this article. Stay on my site because I lot's of other useful and educational content for you all. We see you soon at NDG Linux Essential week 8, till then have a nice stay at my website.


NDG Linux Essential - module 7 - short intro

Welcome to my seven week of my NDG Linux Essential adventure. As you know I have recently published my first LPIC Shell Exam, final exam for SHELL chapter compiled after LPIC-1 Certification Bible which I use for LPIC-1 exam preparation alongside NDG Linux Essential course. As noted I have completed successfully LPIC-1 Shell chapter from mentioned book (link is down in description bellow). Now the NDG Linux Essential course - module 7- is covering the following tasks in order to complete it:

> > Compressing files under Linux format such as .tar.gz
> > Decompressing files . . .
> > Archiving . . .

Basically this module is very short but it does include the final 10 question exam in order to complete it. Check the image down bellow:

Image 1: NDG Linux Essential module 7 intro

As you can see, it is very short part of my NDG Linux Adventure and therefore I'm going to expend it using LPIC-1 Certification Bible /special chapter. Stay tuned and have a nice stay at my blog.


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