Bez obzira na struku kojom se bavite, bilo da ste student ili hobist željan znanja, arheologija je oduvijek privlačila različitu skupinu ljudi, kolekcionare i antikvare koji su željeli saznati pravo porijeklo ljudske vrste, razlog zašto ljudska vrsta postoji na planeti Zemlji. Osim toga, jeste li znali da su prvi arheolozi bili veoma rijetko školovani arheolozi koji su tragali za raznim blagom te su uglavnom sva veća arheološka otkrića bila slučajni nalazi kao što je Šlimanova Troja i Mikena, ili Evansovi Minojci. Zato vam u ovom svom blogu donosim pet knjiga koje su namjenjene i studentima, hobistima a i svima koje zanima arheologija ili jedna određena oblast. Knjige su uplodovane na server ove stranice a svi su download linkovi testirani te se knjige mogu besplatno preuzezi bez ikakvih reklama ili fill-formi.
1) Field Archaeology - An introduction (Peter L. Drewett, 1999)
Since it's first publication, Field Archaeology: An introduction has proved to be a key handbook for all those undertaking introductory courses in archaeology or volunteering on their first excavation. In this revised second edition, key developments in technology, theory and changes in the law are included, bringing it up to date with the most recent fieldwork practices. The dig is the face of archaeology most immediately recognised by the general public, and is often what attracts both students and amateurs to the discipline.
Broj stranica: 213
2) Archaeology: An introduction ( Kevin Greene, 1995)
This fourth edition constitutes the most extensive reshaping of the text to date. In a lucid and accessible style Kevin Greene explains the discovery and excavations of sites, outlines major dating methods, gives clear explanations of scientific techniques, and examines current theories and controversies. This book will help the students to understand the principal aims of archaeology trough it's new user-friendly design as well as key intro to field archaeology.
Broj stranica: 209
3) Archaeology: Theories, methods and practice (Colin Renfrew, Paul G. Bahn , 1991)
A revised introduction to modern archaeology, updated include subjects ranging from underwater archaeology to radiocarbon dating, new approaches such as cognitive and 'postprocessual' archaeology, and new methods such as GIS, optical dating and DNA research, together with a glossary of archaeological terms. This book was firs published back in 1991.
Broj stranica: 331
4) The Oxford Handbook of Archaeology (2009)
Archaeology is a vast subject. It is the study of human society everywhere in the world, from distant human origins 3 - 4 million years ago up to the present day. The Oxford Handbook of Archaeology brings together 35 authors, all specialists in their own fields to explain what archaeology is really about. This is one the most comprehensive treatments of the subject and of the key debates ever attempted. It is designed to open up the world of archaeology to non-specialists and to provide an essential starting point for those want to pursue the particular topics in more depths.
Broj stranica: 828
5) The History of Archaeology (Paul Bahn, 2014)
The History of Archaeology: An introduction provides global coverage with chapters devoted to particular regions of the world. The regional approach allows readers to understand the similarities and differences in the history of the and approach to archaeology in various parts of the world. Each chapter is written by a specialist scholar with experience of the region concerned. Thus the book focuses on the earliest beginnings of archaeology in different parts of the world, and how it developed from being a pastime for antiquarians and collectors to a serious attempt to obtain information about past societies. Therefore, The History of Archaeology is the perfect introduction to the history of archaeology for the interested reader and students alike.
Broj stranica: 280
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