Ok, this is my exam of module 5 for my NDG Linux education. Feel free to comment this article, take my exam to study it and use it as short Linux command reference. This is it for today and I see you soon in my module 6 of my Linux education. Till then best regards and have a nice weekend.
NDG Linux Essential course - week 5 -
Welcome to my NDG Linux Essential course week 5offcial report. It's been a while since I posted my four week report of my Linux education which is a preparation for taking LCPI - 1 (Linux System Administrator). As noted previously in my posts, NDG Linux Essential course is linked to my official category Linux Essential which is available at my website. It allows anyone to track my course progress as I went one. As you know, I have extended my education with my own Linux Lab's and Linux Exams to further my knowledge and to test my skills.
In the module 5 of my NDG Linux Essential course I have worked with getting help on Linux using the man command and it's argument. As you know, using man command you can find out in details arguments and option that goes with specific command such as man ls which will give you the following output.
Figure 1: Using man to find info about the certain command
I shall note that this is the one way you can get infos about each command you use in Linux Terminal. So if you're not sure about arguments that goes with command you use, than you know who you should contact, it's a man.
There were also a PATH environment variables as well as which command that gives you exact path to specific command which will look like this.
Figure 2: Using which command to find out the path of date
As you probably know, the date command gives you current date, day and time and such daemon is located in /bin/date folder.
One of the interesting part of this module was using the history command to print out previously used commands. History is very useful since it allows you to show a specific list of commands that have been previously used. It may be confusing but sometimes you have typed more than 100 commands and such list is to long to display but if you type $HISTSIZE = 25 it will print only 25 commands on your list. But, here's how history works in the following screen shoot.
Figure 3: Using history command in Terminal
You can also write a history shell variable named $HISTSIZE that will store exact number of your commands which looks like this.
Figure 4: Using history BASH shell variable $HISTSIZE
Entire module 5 was basically about providing help to the Linux user when using Terminal and so on. As far as my exam for module 5 which I have scored 10 and I'm really proud and happy on the fact that I'm getting better each time as I progress on my education. Here's my entire exam for module 5 that I have had.
Ok, this is my exam of module 5 for my NDG Linux education. Feel free to comment this article, take my exam to study it and use it as short Linux command reference. This is it for today and I see you soon in my module 6 of my Linux education. Till then best regards and have a nice weekend.